Preventable Preventing for Mortality by PPH is a mission launched by the Indian government to end maternal deaths due to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). This article explores the causes, impact, and measures taken to address this issue.

Conquer PPH by bundle approach 23rd July 2023

Causes of PPH:

PPH occurs when a woman experiences excessive bleeding after giving birth. Some of the causes of PPH include:

Uterine atony

This occurs when the uterus fails to contract after delivery, leading to excessive bleeding.

Retained placenta

When the placenta does not detach from the uterus after delivery, it can cause excessive bleeding.


Trauma during childbirth can lead to bleeding and PPH.

Impact of PPH:

PPH has a significant impact on the health and well-being of mothers in India. Some of the effects of PPH include:



PPH is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in India, accounting for 27% of all maternal deaths.


PPH can cause severe anemia, shock, and other complications that can impact the health of the mother.

Economic burden

Treatment for PPH can be expensive, putting a financial burden on individuals and families.

Measures Taken to Address PPH:

The ZTMD-PPH mission has implemented various measures to address the issue of PPH in the country. Some of these measures include:

Skilled birth attendance

The mission has distributed iron and folic acid supplements to pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls to improve their iron levels.

Early detection and management

The mission has also focused on improving the nutritional status of the population by promoting a balanced diet and fortified food products.

Availability of essential supplies

The mission has conducted awareness campaigns and health education programs to create awareness about anemia and its prevention.

Health education and awareness

The mission has set up monitoring and evaluation systems to track the progress of the program and identify areas for improvement.
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